Friday, March 1, 2013

As we reflect on our experience in 2012 we can’t help but observe real estate internet marketing statistics from the latest National Association of Realtors profile of Homebuyers and Sellers Survey. According to the report, “use of the internet in the home search rose slightly to 90% and for buyers under the age of 44 this share increased to 96%”. When we reflect back on the results of this survey we believe more real estate professionals will begin to attribute much of their lead generation being more heavily influenced and supported by search engine marketing regardless of how the leads say they heard about us.
Over the years survey companies have been monitoring additional microtrends within real estate online marketing. We decided to summarize a list below of how these real estate internet traffic statistics will change in 2013:
1.    More than 90% of home buyers will continue to search for homes on the internet; And under the age of 44 the share will increase above 97%. This is based upon broad increased annual growth in Google search volume overall.
2.    More than 41% of home buyers will go to the internet to search for homes prior as the first step in the buyer process. This number continues to increase every year when reviewing the Homebuyer survey.
3.    Real estate internet searches will become more savvy with their search queries. The amount of keywords people use to perform a single search will increase. We are seeing this already happening across the broad search market.
4.    Worldwide the Google search engine will continue to increase over 83% of total market share.

RE/MAX has spent considerable time and energy to develop the absolute best search engine when looking for homes in our beautiful lake area. Take a look at what we have available right now by visiting
Until next time!!! Ebbie :)